
calligraphydesign Archives | World Calligraphy, Marriage Certificates, Tattoo Designs, Logos: Arabic, Persian, Farsi, Sanskrit, English, Hebrew, Amharic, etc.

CHOOSE BELIEVE EXPLORE—Tibetan. Stylized rondel designs, Tibetan Ume script by S. J. Thomas.

CHOOSE BELIEVE EXPLORE—Tibetan. Stylized rondel designs, Tibetan Ume script by S. J. Thomas. www.palmstone.comRead More


“I don’t know where I end and you begin” after Rumi. Translated into Tibetan. The calligraphy is in a variant Tibetan script with the first line reading from top to bottom on the left and the second line reading from bottom to top on the right.

“I don’t know where I end and you begin” after Rumi. Translated into Tibetan. The calligraphy is in a variant Tibetan script with the first line reading from top to bottom on the left and the second line reading from bottom to top on the right.Read More


Mother’s Day poem calligraphed for a client, detail

Mother’s Day poem calligraphed for a client, detailRead More
