
tattoocalligraphy Archives | World Calligraphy, Marriage Certificates, Tattoo Designs, Logos: Arabic, Persian, Farsi, Sanskrit, English, Hebrew, Amharic, etc.

Tattoo design in Devanagari script: समाधान — samaadhaana. Although there are many meanings of this word in both Sanskrit and Hindi, in this case samaadhaana references the state of profound absorption or contemplation. Sanskrit calligraphy by S. J. Thomas,

Tattoo design in Devanagari script: समाधान — samaadhaana. Although there are many meanings of this word in both Sanskrit and Hindi, in this case samaadhaana references the state of profound absorption or contemplation. Sanskrit calligraphy by S. J. Thomas, www.palmstone.comRead More


Alisha — अलिशा — in Devanagari script. Get your name in Sanskrit, Hindi, Gujarati and other South Asian languages.

Alisha — अलिशा — in Devanagari script. Get your name in Sanskrit, Hindi, Gujarati and other South Asian languages. www.palmstone.comRead More


Alchemy of Love کيمياگری عشق Persian/Farsi in modified Arabic Kufic script.

Alchemy of Love کيمياگری عشق Persian/Farsi in modified Arabic Kufic script.Read More


My top ten Sanskrit tattoo designs. Link in bio The word “anicca”–meaning impermanence–was a very popular request in the last few years. This is a nice example of a tattoo that manages to retain the shades of blue that were in my original watercolor calligraphy.

My top ten Sanskrit tattoo designs. Link in bio
The word “anicca”–meaning impermanence–was a very popular request in the last few years. This is a nice example of a tattoo that manages to retain the shades of blue that were in my original watercolor calligraphy.Read More
