
Quaker Marriage Certificate Archives | World Calligraphy, Marriage Certificates, Tattoo Designs, Logos: Arabic, Persian, Farsi, Sanskrit, English, Hebrew, Amharic, etc.

Ancient Oak

The ancient oak on this upstate New York farmstead is the centerpiece of this certificate. Details of home life on a farm complete the illustrations. A line of poetry by Robert Frost is inscribed across the top of the arch. … Read More

Azalea Crown

The Azalea Crown marriage certificate is an example of simple elegance.  A cluster of blooms and swash italic calligraphy fill the top with the freshness and light of spring. As in the Quaker tradition, there are places for the … Read More

Natural Florida

The Florida nature-themed certificate was created to include specific images requested by the couple, including typically Florida items such as native birds and flowers, live oak and water; as well as more specific requests: a boat, a drum, and … Read More