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The calligraphic rondel above is my translation into Persian (Farsi) of the first part of the Prayer of Loving Kindness (Metta Bhavana) from the Buddhist tradition. In English translation it reads:

"May I be free from fear. May I be free from suffering. May I be happy. May I be filled with loving kindness."

The Prayer continues (not included in the above design):

May you be free from fear. May you be free from suffering. May you be happy. May you be filled with loving kindness. May all people everywhere be happy and filled with loving kindness.

As an historical aside, at one time Iran and Afghanistan were major locations of the Buddhist faith and merchants from these areas served as important carriers of Buddhism along the trade routes of the Silk Road, thus introducing Buddhism to Central Asia, China and Japan.

Calligraphic work copyright © Stewart J. Thomas

The Arabic Script is the basis for one of the richest calligraphic artistic traditions in the world.
The script is used in various forms to write Arabic, Persian (Farsi), Urdu, and several other languages.
Historical forms, such as kufic, maghrebi, diwani, tuluth, nasta'liq, shekasteh are joined by a flourishing
vocabulary of contemporary forms. Calligraphy commissions are welcomed for a wide range of uses, from
body art to marriage certificates. To learn more, CLICK HERE