
calligraphicart Archives | World Calligraphy, Marriage Certificates, Tattoo Designs, Logos: Arabic, Persian, Farsi, Sanskrit, English, Hebrew, Amharic, etc.

Comics as Commentary exhibit opens at Sweetwater Print Cooperative this Friday, featuring work by myself and ten other cartoonists from Disney to now. This is a detail of a cartoon I did during my stint as commentary cartoonist (usually called “political cartoons”) for Moon Magazine in Gainesville, Florida. S. J. Thomas.

Comics as Commentary exhibit opens at Sweetwater Print Cooperative this Friday, featuring work by myself and ten other cartoonists from Disney to now. This is a detail of a cartoon I did during my stint as commentary cartoonist (usually called “political cartoons”) for Moon Magazine in Gainesville, Florida. S. J. Thomas.Read More


NEW BAMBOO — Chinese ink on handmade paper. Brush painting by S. J. Thomas,

NEW BAMBOO — Chinese ink on handmade paper. Brush painting by S. J. Thomas, www.palmstone.comRead More


Taking a moment to hold out the aspiration for Peace on Earth for All. Happy Holidays.

Taking a moment to hold out the aspiration for Peace on Earth for All. Happy Holidays.Read More
