
calligraphy Archives | Page 5 of 18 | World Calligraphy, Marriage Certificates, Tattoo Designs, Logos: Arabic, Persian, Farsi, Sanskrit, English, Hebrew, Amharic, etc.

उपेक्षा upeksaa; Sanskrit for “Equanimity” the state of maintaining mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation. Calligraphy by Stewart J. Thomas.

उपेक्षा upeksaa; Sanskrit for “Equanimity” the state of maintaining mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation. Calligraphy by Stewart J. Thomas.Read More

Rumi’s poem: ز اول که حدیث عاشقی بشنودم جان و دل و دیده در رهش فرسودم گفتم که مگر عاشق و معشوق دواند خود هر دو یکی بود من احول بودم Coleman Barks translation: The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along. My translation: When I first heard [the] story of love I wore out soul and heart and sight on its path. I said: are lover and beloved two? [The] self two were one; I was seeing double

Rumi’s poem:
ز اول که حدیث عاشقی بشنودم
جان و دل و دیده در رهش فرسودم
گفتم که مگر عاشق و معشوق دواند
خود هر دو یکی بود من احول بودم

Coleman Barks translation:
The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was.
Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere.
They’re in each other all along.

My translation:
When I first heard [the] story of love
I wore out soul and heart and sight on its path.
I said: are lover and beloved two?
[The] self two were one; I was seeing doubleRead More

Satyagraha सत्याग्रह or “truth force” or “holding fast to the truth” is the name Mahatma Gandhi gave to his strategy of non-violence. While I am no expert on how to carry out social change, it has been my life experience that it is exceedingly difficult to break the spiral of violence. Gandhi emphasized that non-violence is not a safe strategy; indeed, its practitioners can be in great danger. Nor is it a guaranteed strategy: enormous creativity, solidarity, perseverance and discipline are required. But it may be the only hope for ending the cycle of violence begetting more violence.

Satyagraha सत्याग्रह or “truth force” or “holding fast to the truth” is the name Mahatma Gandhi gave to his strategy of non-violence. While I am no expert on how to carry out social change, it has been my life experience that it is exceedingly difficult to break the spiral of violence. Gandhi emphasized that non-violence is not a safe strategy; indeed, its practitioners can be in great danger. Nor is it a guaranteed strategy: enormous creativity, solidarity, perseverance and discipline are required. But it may be the only hope for ending the cycle of violence begetting more violence.Read More

Alchemy of Love کيمياگری عشق Persian/Farsi in modified Arabic Kufic script.

Alchemy of Love کيمياگری عشق Persian/Farsi in modified Arabic Kufic script.Read More

Sthira Sukha स्थिर सूख the two qualities Patanjali explains in the Yoga Sutras that need to be present when doing any yoga: steadiness and ease. Sanskrit calligraphic rondel in Devanagari script by Stewart J. Thomas.

Sthira Sukha स्थिर सूख the two qualities Patanjali explains in the Yoga Sutras that need to be present when doing any yoga: steadiness and ease. Sanskrit calligraphic rondel in Devanagari script by Stewart J. Thomas.Read More

Shen 神 — Calligraphy of Chinese character for spirit, consciousness, awareness; also meaning deity; the meeting place of heaven and earth.

Shen 神 — Calligraphy of Chinese character for spirit, consciousness, awareness; also meaning deity; the meeting place of heaven and earth.Read More

Sanskrit Calligraphy: Faith, Hope, Courage, design by S. J. Thomas. Get your original tattoo calligraphy design at

Sanskrit Calligraphy: Faith, Hope, Courage, design by S. J. Thomas. Get your original tattoo calligraphy design at palmstone.comRead More

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Good thoughts, good words, good deeds — پندار نيک گفتار نيک کردار نيک — in the Persian/Farsi language in two squares of overlapping Arabic Kufic script. The artwork is done in watercolors and transparent inks.

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Good thoughts, good words, good deeds — پندار نيک گفتار نيک کردار نيک — in the Persian/Farsi language in two squares of overlapping Arabic Kufic script. The artwork is done in watercolors and transparent inks.Read More

Spreading oak marriage certificate by Stewart J. Thomas, watercolor and italic calligraphy.

Spreading oak marriage certificate by Stewart J. Thomas, watercolor and italic calligraphy.Read More

Original border design hand painted and illuminated by calligrapher Stewart J. Thomas for an interfaith Quaker-Muslim marriage. The blank spaces are for the signatures of all present at the ceremony.

Original border design hand painted and illuminated by calligrapher Stewart J. Thomas for an interfaith Quaker-Muslim marriage. The blank spaces are for the signatures of all present at the ceremony.Read More